The Campus Ministry of the Miami Valley Church of Christ, also known as "Alpha Omega Dayton," lives out authentic, biblical Christianity together.  Our genuine love for one another and eagerness to see each other spiritually thrive encourages everyone to continually reach new depths with God.

The ministry currently has students at Wright State University and University of Dayton, and offers small group Bible studies at both universities. We are passionate about God and His Word and are desperate to see His Kingdom come to college students across Dayton.

Wright State University Weekly Group Bible Study | Wednesday at Student Union by the piano and fireplace in the Dining Hall @ 3:00pm. if nice weather we will be outside on the patio next to the Dining Hall

You can follow"Alpha Omega Dayton" on our Instagram Page | click here

The "Alpha Omega Dayton" is lead by Theo Carmichael who graduated from Penn State Univeristy in 2023.  

To learn more about Theo click here